Caroline Fausel HeadshotCaroline Fausel has always loved nutrition. In 2012, right after graduating from the University of Georgia (GO DAWGS!), she married Chaz Fausel. Their “Plan” of starting their family ten years later didn’t pan out, and Caroline got pregnant 6 weeks later. Sweet Ella Rae not only was earlier than we expected, but she was also born at 30 weeks, TEN weeks early. Caroline and Chaz spent their days in the NICU, and Caroline’s plan of going back to work full time clearly wasn’t going to happen.

Caroline had to quickly find ways to work from home to support Ella Rae’s healthy growth and development. Not only that, but Caroline really started rethinking their vegan lifestyle when they started feeding Ella Rae solid foods… Caroline and Chaz always had the “nutrition v medicine” debate, but somehow you get even more serious about it when it relates to your precious child!

After doing a deep dive into the latest nutrition science, they decided to go from near-Vegan to Paleo in June of 2014. They realize now that their vegetarian diet was very grain and bean heavy, and didn’t make them feel their best. Eating Paleo drastically changed both of their lives. Caroline slimmed down, had WAY better digestion, and felt like her healthiest self.

Ella Rae is one of Caroline’s greatest blessings, because she truly is the reason she started this blog and landed on the health and wellness career path.

Once they were consistently eating Paleo, Caroline wanted more recipes! She has been in the kitchen creating recipes since before she could read or write… Why not use those skills to better their lives and the lives of others? Caroline creates meals for those striving to eat healthier, whether that’s gluten free, dairy free, Paleo, or Whole30, or keto!

In 2023, Caroline became a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach! She now is able to help people on an individual level. If you’re interested in working with Caroline to help become the healthiest version of yourself, click here to schedule your free consult!

Caroline strongly believes in clean living: inside and out! She is on a mission to help women detoxify their skincare awith safer skincare: Oliveda!Contact her to learn how to join her team of amazing and like-minded individuals who are all striving to live the healthiest lives!

Caroline also share her love for travel on the blog! She always traveled as a child, and loves sharing her love for travel with Chaz and her two kiddos. She mainly highlights how to keep up your healthy lifestyle in the cities and countries she travels to.

Are you a brand looking to work with someone with a niche audience of health-driven people? Contact her to begin chatting!